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Location: India

Long Long Ago From The Deep Blue Sea, Washed Ashore An Oyster, And Out Jumped Me!! Simplicity Is My Nature My Passion Is To Dance Like Listenin To Music Too But Can Do Away With Trance A Good Book Can Keep Me Company Fiction I Prefer Though, Friends I Have Many But A Few Close Ones Very Well I Know Well Thats All About Me, About The Pearl I Know So Far But For Some Of My Friends In My Own Unique Way Im A Star!!!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Day When Everything Went Wrong

I Wake Up To The Sound Of Chirping Birds
Thinking What A Lovely Day;
But Little Did I Know Of The Misfortunes
That Were About To Come My Way!!

Smiling I Enter The Kitchen…
But Oh There’s Water All Around
God!! How Cold I Forget To Close The Tap
My Smile Turns Into A Frown

I Long For A Hot Water Bath
But Alas! The Water Is Cold As Ice
Chattering And Shivering I Ask The Almighty
“What Have I Done To Pay This Price??”

I Step Out In My Best Suit
I Have An Important Presentation Today
Oooohhhhh… Thuuddd…Ouccchhhh….Why Didn’t I See
The Banana Peel Thrown In My Way??

With A Confident Smile I Put In The Cd..To Start My Presentation I Am All Set
Oh God !!! What Is Hritik Doing On The Screen
I’ve Got The Wrong CD !!! How Bad Could Things Now Get??

With A Broken Heel…..And The Boss’s Wrath
The Day Ahead Looks Gloomy And Long
I Count Each Minute For Waiting For The Day To End
The Day When Everything Went Wrong!!

© Pearl Panthaki

Friday, September 14, 2007

I've Written My FATE

Today I M The Only One In This Dark Sky,
I’ve Given Up Everything To Reach This High

I’ve Dug My Own Grave..Put My Very Life At Stake
Now Its Too Late To Realize My Folly, My Mistake

I’ve Lost The Love Of Everyone…Who Used To Care
Today They Just Look Through Me…..All I Get Is A Stare

My Peers Are Peers Just In Name….For Them I’m A Blank Cheque
I Feel Safe No More….There’s Always A Sword Dangling Above My Neck!!

Alas…I Can Blame No One But Me For All This,
My Greed For Money Ate Up All My Bliss!!

Today I’ve Got Power…But Yet I Feel So Very Weak,
My Body Maybe Strong…But Within I’ve Grown Meek

Today I’ve Got All Luxuries…But No One To Share
No One To Laugh At My Jokes…No One Who Cares.

The Distance Has Grown Wide…I’ve Left All Loved Ones Behind
But How Can I Blame Them?? I Was So Selfish!! So Unkind!!

I Am The One Who’s Solely Accountable For My Present State
With My Own Very Hands I’ve Written My Fate

I Know I’ll Shrivel And Die Unknown
All I Deserve Is A Coffin Of Stone!!

© Pearl Panthaki

She Has Taught Me All...

I Still Remember That Day, It Was The First Day At School,
I Cried And Cried All The Way…But My Mother Was Not To Be Fooled
She Left Me Outside My Class…I Stood All Alone,
There Were So Many Faces Around…But All Unknown

Then Someone Held My Hand And Lead Me To My Chair
“Don’t Worry My Child…I’ll Take Your Care”
Years Went By, But She Stuck By Her Word
Not Even A Day Goes By When Her Advice Has Gone Unheard

When Future Became Too Unclear…She’s Held The Torch For Me,
And When I Started Going Astray, My Mistakes She Made Me See
History, Math Or Science, Her Knowledge Has No End.
She Would Make Each Topic Fun…She Had Started A New Trend!!

Her Pat Made Me Glad…But Her Glares Scared Me Bad
I’ve Troubled Her With Endless Pranks…But Not Once Had Been Mad
On Picnics She Would Become One Of Us…It Would Be Hard To Tell Us Apart,
She Has Endless Zeal And Energy…And A Very Big Heart!!

She Holds Nothing Back…Imparts All Knowledge She Has Got
But Has Never Asked For Anything In Return…Guess She Has Never Even Thought!!

Now Is The Time To Thank Her For All That She Has Done,
Today I’ve Got Only Praises For Her…Complaints I Have None

I Thank You Dear Teacher, For Your Selfless Love And Care
Thank You For Being My Guiding Star…Thank You For Being There

I Have No More Words To Express My Thoughts
Just One More Thing I Say
Today We May Be Miles Apart
But In My Heart You Will Forever Stay!!!

© Pearl Panthaki